News and Evidence => Library Portal => Topic started by: Christine on June 09, 2005, 05:03:22 PM

Title: Learning the Tarot
Post by: Christine on June 09, 2005, 05:03:22 PM
Hi everyone,
I thought I would start a thread on learning the tarot one step at a time so that it was not too over whelming.

Introduction to the tarot
There are 78 cards in a tarot deck. 22 of these are the Major Arcana and these form the heart of the deck. The other 56 cards are the minor arcana. While the major arcana expresses universal themes, the minor arcana brings those themes down into the practical arena to show how they operate in daily events. The minor arcana cards represent the concerns, activities and emotions that make up the dramas of our everyday lives. There are four suits of the tarot each representing different aspects of our lives. Cups, Wands, Pentacles and Swords.

Many interpreters view the major arcana as showing the different stages on an individual's journey of inner growth - what some call the Fool's Journey. We all travel this road to self-actualisation, though our trips more often involve detours, dead ends and stalls than smooth progression through life! Our specific paths are unique, but our milestones are universal. The 22 major arcana cards are markers on the path of inner development leading from earliest awareness (card 0) to integration and fulfillment (card 21). The major arcana contains many levels and models of experience. These cards hold all the patterns of growth, whether they occur within one segment of a life or a whole life span. We could even say that an entire lifetime is really just one growth episode within the larger saga of our soul's development.

The story of the major arcana

The Fool's journey seems to move smoothly from one order of experience to the next however in our real lives things are not so simple. We live, learn mistakes, skip lessons and fail to understand what we need to do to live up to our full potential. We may lack the courage and insight to discover our deepest levels. We may never feel the call of the Hermit to look inward and examine our lives or intentions. We may never experience the crisis of the Tower that might free them from the defences of our ego. Sometime we try to overcome our difficulties and fail. Sometimes we need to learn from the Hanged Man to let go and surrender to the experience  be that good or bad.

Our lessons are not  always in the same order as the Fools journey. For example a difficult childhood may lead us to develop Strength to survive ones upbringing yet we may develop the control in our lives of the Chariot much later in life. Someone may overcome the attraction of the Devil's materialism through a life of seclusion, but then need to learn about relationships and sexuality - a lesson of the Lovers - at a later time.

The major arcana contains many levels and models of life experiences. These cards hold all the patterns of growth, whether they occur within one segment of a life or a whole lifetime. Our entire lifetime is really just one growth episode within the larger story of our soul's development.

No matter what our pattern of self-discovery, the major arcana shows us that wholeness and fulfillment are our destiny. If we keep this goal in focus, we will eventually realise our true nature and gain the World.

For with understanding comes acceptance.

So we will start with this introduction and move onto the Fool's journey in the Major Arcana.

The Fools Journey

The major arcana is a metaphor for the various stages of our journey through life.

We start with The Fool (0). Not called so because he is foolish but called The Fool because of his innocent faith. He represents each of our beginnings. The start of our journey through life.  At the start of his journey he is fresh, full of spontaneity. He feels ready to take on the world and starts off on his way to do just that. His card is number zero. Right in the middle of positive and negative numbers. He is an empty vessel waiting to be filled with the journey of his life.

Firstly he meets the Magician (1) and The High Priestess (2). The great male and female energy forces that make up the world. The Magician represents active or conscious masculine power and will. The High Priestess representing the more feminine aspects of intuition  and sub consciousness. The more mysterious elements of life. She represents unrealized potential waiting for an active power to take hold. She provides the foundation for this growth. They are both of equal worth and necessary for balance.

He continues to grow and meets The Empress (3). He becomes more and more aware of what is around him and realizes his Mother. The Empress is both his mother figure and mother earth. Both care for him and nourish him. They introduce him to the world of nature and sensation.

The Emperor (4) likewise represents his Father figure and brings with him the impressions of authority and structure. He leaves the comfort of his mothers arms and realizes the disciplines of the world. He experiences a new kind of pleasure and explores it. It is predictable. It is order and rules. They are necessary for his well being. They can be frustrating to him but with the guidance of the Emperor he begins to understand there value and purpose.

Leaving the comforts of his parents he enters the world and his formal education. Both traditionally and culturally. The Hierophant  (5) represents these organised belief systems. Although the card often hard religious imagery, this card is representative of initiations of all kinds.  The figure pictured presents knowledge and mysteries. He learns to identify with a group and he enjoys learning the values of society and displaying how well he conforms to them as it provides him with a sense of belonging. This sense of belonging is expanded from the sense of family belonging to belonging to a larger group.

Before now the Fool has been primarily self-centred. Now he is longing for a union with another person. A sexual union, a relationship. He wants the balance offered by The Lovers (6). He also needs to understand his own beliefs, convictions and values. He must learn to be true to himself question the opinions of others rather than blithely accepting it.

By the time the Fool enters adulthood he has a sense of certainty about himself and his beliefs.  He possesses discipline and self control and through mastering these has learnt to succeed in his environment.  The Chariot (7) represents this self satisfaction. The sense of ego he has attained at having achieved, the pinnacle of his journey so far. It appears he might have all he could want, perhaps this is merely the confidence of youth or naivety.

Time marches on and The Fool is faced with troubles and disillusionment. He must draw on his Strength (8) to see him through these trials.  He must find the courage to overcome and the heart to continue the journey.  Through these trials he learns tolerance and patience.  The self satisfaction and commanding aura of The Chariot has to be tempered with a softer more gentle approach of Strength.  Yet he thought he had everything under control in The Chariot.

He begins to ask himself “why”? Why did this happen to me? Why this? Why now?
Mimicking The Hermit (9) he becomes engrossed in finding the answers to these difficult questions.  This is no idle quest. He wants to know there is more to just living, suffering and dying.  He needs to discover the deeper truth of the matter. He looks to himself to better understand his perceptions and motivations.  He seeks solitude to do so and not the distractions of the world around him.  He may conclude he cannot determine the answers himself and seek a guide or teacher to help him to understand.

Eventually The Fool begins to see there is a cycle to the seeming madness. He realises everything is connected.  The Wheel of Fortune (10) represents the mysterious universe which has parts that intricately connects together by design and fate to work together.  He realises he is one mere part of a beautiful bigger picture and begins to find answers to some of the answers he seeks.  Fate seems to play a part in the outcome with events molding change and further redesign.  He recognises his destiny as being part of the grand plan that leads him to this point of questioning. With this understanding comes restlessness, the need to explore what he believes he has discovered and learnt. He has a renewed sense of purpose.

Now he must understand how to apply and incorporate this understanding into his life.  He reflects on karma. What he has done to cause the events of his life. He accepts responsibility for these past actions and makes amends for his behaviour and in doing so assures himself a more positive and honest future for himself. Justice (11) is served and he can start again. He must make better choices. Will he be true to his understanding or will he revert back to an easier more unaware existence that prohibits his future growth?

The Fool continues his journey. He is set upon realising his vision but also realises life is not as easy as he had thought. He encounters a burden, a circumstance of life so hard to bear that it seems impossible to continue. He is humbled by the challenge. He realises his only way to endure is to give up and let go of it. He realises he cannot control or contain it.  He feels dejected and lost. He feels that he has failed. He thinks that he has sacrificed everything to no good end and is forlorn. He sinks to a new depth and when he feels he cannot go on any longer he realises that the wheel starts to turn and by fate or intricate design, things start to progress as they should. At his most vulnerable moment he realises the strength of his inner self. He has learnt the power of surrendering to his circumstances and experience rather than fighting to control them. His world was turned upside down in The Hanged Man (12) yet he seems strangely at peace. He learns not to fight but to let go at be at peace with the circumstance.

He now accepts it is time for drastic change and sets about to do just that. He tries to break old habits and tiresome ways of life. He goes back to basics. These old ways and things end for him as he replaces them with the new more positive habits and ways he has been learning. The process seems like Death (13) as it is the death of his familiar self to enable the growth of a new self. At times he feels overwhelmed by the changes but he comes to realise that death is not permanent but merely a transition to a new life.

Since his inward journey with the Hermit, The Fool has swung wildly emotionally from one extreme to the other. He now comes to realise the need for balance and Temperance (14) in order to have true equilibrium. It is only however by experiencing these vast extremes he can appreciate moderation. In Temperance he has combined all aspects of himself and what he has learnt into a picture of balanced health and well being. He has come a long way in realising what it takes to live a harmonious life.

With his new found poise and grace and well being, what more could The Fool need?  He seems to be living true to his new discoveries. He soon discovers The Devil (15). This is not to be confused with an evil figure intent on harm. This devil is the deep seated streak of want of material possessions, ignorance or bondage to something outside of ourselves. Often we do not even recognise it’s call to us, nor consciously hear it. He could so easily free himself but does not even realise his bondage. He lives still, within his limited range of experiences unaware of an even greater more glorious world that could await. The price of this ignorance is a deep seated core of despair or depression.

It is only a massive sudden change that can jerk The Fool free of The Devil and his influence. The Fool is only released by the sudden change of The Tower (16). The Tower represents the outer wall of ego that each one of us has built around our inner selves.  This solid outer wall seems to protect us, we try to tell ourselves it will save us from harm. However, it only serves to imprison us. It is only when faced with some crisis that we are able to be freed from the walls. The walls are smashed by a force greater than ourselves and we are thrust forward, propelled and out of our own control. Once so proud we are now forced to accede to a force greater than ourselves. However The Fool may not respond to anything other than this severe action to allow him to shake of his tethers and be able to justify such a painful experience. The resulting revelation makes is worthwhile and the light shines for The Fool again.

The Star (17) is a shining light. Wishes are made upon stars.  Mankind look to the stars for guidance, they are beacons of hope. There is calm and tranquility and here The Fool lacks guise. He can be himself in his raw and naked form.  The negative energy left by The Devil is replenished by the positivity of The Star. The Star is the peace after the storm where his sense of self and his future is restored.

However The Fool is in a dreamy condition. He is not yet aware of the effects of the illusions of The Moon (18). He does not yet possess full mental clarity after the wondrous peace of The Star.  In this altered state of perception he is subject to fantasy and a distorted sense of reality for he cannot see the real picture of what is around him. Some parts hide in the shadows not illuminated by The Moons light. Only certain parts can be seen under its beams. Too much is left to the imagination and it will fill it in with facts and things that may not be true.  Although deep and beautiful thoughts can arise from this state so can suppressed fears and anxieties. These experiences may make The Fool feel lost and bewildered.

It is The Sun (19) that restores order to The Fools imagination. Its rays bring light to all that is hidden from his sight and mind under The Moon. It resolves his feelings of fear and bewilderment. He feels enlightened and that he understands and is able to feel the goodness of his world. He is reassured. He is ready to face a new day undaunted. He feels he is able to achieve greatness and that he has all at his disposal to do so.

The Fool has been reborn. His false self has been shed and he is a new reborn person. He has discovered life revolves around joy rather than fear. He forgives himself and others around him. He understands he and they acted and made mistakes based on ignorance rather than from their true natures. He feels absolved and ready to start anew. It is time for him to make a Judgment (20) about his life. He is now able to see himself as he truly is and make decisions about his future armed with this knowledge. He can choose which values he wishes to keep and which to discard. He also rises up to his higher calling. The reason he was called to this life. He is ready to follow his dream and fulfill his destiny.

He goes off to face The World (21) again but this time he does so with greater understanding able to integrate the lessons he has learnt that have allowed him to achieve wholeness. He experiences life fully. His future is filled with promise and he is actively involved in the world. He contributes as a part of the world and prospers.  He acts with certainty, gives with grace and the universe conspires to reward him. He accomplishes much.

His journey was not necessarily foolish after all. In his search for self he overcome darkness and despair with honesty and perseverance to enable him to take his place in the world. His growth will continue although his cycle is over. A new journey will begin that allows him even greater understanding and growth.
Title: The minor arcana- The 4 suits
Post by: Christine on June 10, 2005, 04:09:47 PM
The major arcana expresses universal themes in the context of our life's journey. The minor arcana brings those themes down to a practical level to show how they operate in the mechanics of our daily lives. These cards represent the concerns, activities and emotions that make up the dramas of our day to day lives.

There are 56 cards in the minor arcana divided into four suits: Wands, Cups, Swords and Pentacles. Each suit represents a different aspect of our lives.

The Wands are the suit of creativity, action and movement. They are associated with such qualities as enthusiasm, adventure, risk-taking and confidence. This suit corresponds to the yang, or masculine principle. The energy of this suit flows outwards. Wands represent the fire element. The negative side of  Wands can be counterproductivity through rashness. Fire also bruns if uncontrolled and undirected.

The Cups are the suit of emotions and spiritual experience. They describe inner states, feelings and relationship patterns. The energy of this suit flows inward. Cups correspond to the yin, or feminine principle. Cups represent the water element. Water is often used in the imagery of the Cups suit to reflect emotions. The negative side of Cups is passivity, apathy, empty dreams and vagueness.

The Swords are the suit of intellect, thought and reason. They are concerned with justice, truth and ethical principles. Swords are associated with the element Air. A cloudless sky, open and light-filled, is a symbol of the mental clarity that is the Swords ideal. This suit is also associated with states that lead to disharmony and unhappiness. Can also deal with endings in life. Our intellect is a valuable asset, but as an agent of ego, it can lead us astray if it is not infused with the wisdom of our Inner Guide. Swords are often truth seekers.

The Pentacles are the suit of practicality, security and material concerns. They are associated with the element Earth and the concrete requirements of working with matter. Pentacles reflect the beauty of nature, our interactions with plants and animals and our physical experiences in the body. Pentacles also represent prosperity and wealth of all kinds and often freflect our careers and materialistic concerns. Sometimes this suit is called the Coins, an obvious symbol of the exchange of goods and services in the physical world. Coins deal with what your resources are and how you use them.
Title: Numbered Cards
Post by: Christine on June 10, 2005, 04:17:36 PM
Within the suits are numbered cards, just like in a deck of playing cards. They are numbered Ace to Ten. There are also 4 court cards. King, Queen, Knight and Page.

The numbered cards take us through stages of our journey.

The Ace announces the theme of the suit that it is. It stands for love, emotions, intimacy. These ideas are also explored in other cards int he suit. The Ace card however, always represents positive forces. It shows us the best of what that suit is about.

Relationships are key issues, duality, balancing of two things, people or situations depending on hte suit of the card.

Synthesis, collaboration, self-expression, expansion, fulfillment – except Swords where this is missing.

Foundations are examined, stability of the situation at hand, status quo.

Changes are forthcoming, instability, volatile, it will be necessary to adapt to unpleasant changes.

Assistance, idealism, perfection, and a change for the better. Almost like there could be light at the end of the tunnel.

Unexpected change, perception, insight, new awareness and perspective, change brought about by insight.

Control, power and mastery over a situation through self-reliance and autonomy and organisation.

Completion and fulfillment of each suit, maximum intensity of each suit in the cycle, completion, fulfillment.

Ten is the end result or logical conlusion of the Ace in its suit.If you continue with the themes of love, intimacy and emotions you develop joy, peace and ultimate acceptance. Renewal through a new cycle. Many lessons have been learned regarding the suit in question – mastery.
Title: The Court Cards
Post by: admin on June 10, 2005, 07:14:44 PM
Most people find the court cards more difficult to interpret than other cards in the tarot deck.

Generally speaking Kings repsresent mature people in leadership roles or with leadership qualities.

Queens tend to represent people in nurturing roles or with nurturing talent.

Knights are energetic and forceful. They are enthusiastic.

Pages are students, explorers, children, curious people and foretell of new beginnings. They are regardless of gender as are all of the court cards.

Knights are Pages are not necessarily young in years, they can be someone young in their approach to life or one who is reckless.

Each Court card also has additional meaning based on suit.
Title: 0. The Fool
Post by: admin on June 29, 2005, 08:26:01 PM
0. The Fool


The Fools card is numbered 0. It has no end, no beginning and holds the seed of potential.

Expect the unexpected. This is the beginning of everything, setting out on a new journey. Starting from scratch, with the innocence of a child. Enthusiastic, carefree, naïve, silly and yet protected by the fact that the heart is pure as it is yet unsullied by life’s experiences.

When The Fool is surrounded by positive cards then there is no fear of what lies ahead. This comfort can help you achieve much. This is a joyous adventure of making choices and having faith. Being at the thresh-hold of your journey there is the impulse to leap into the unknown. There is the doubt too that if we do not leap we will wonder what could have been.

The Fool and his journey represent a new chapter in life and a risk of some kind. Keep faith in yourself and in life. Leave the negativity behind and trust your instinct. This is the first step in the path to self knowledge.

On an inner level The Fool represents the irrational impulse towards change and toward opening life’s horizons into the great unknown. We do not know the outcome yet if we resist the impulse to begin the adventure then we take the risk of life sinking into the drab and meaningless.

Wherever The Fool falls in the spread there can be a breakthrough which feels like a leap into the unknown but there is also huge opportunities to grow in with it.

The Gilded Tarot Version

I just love the Gilded Tarot deck. In fact I think it is the most beautiful that I own. For this reason I am adding a section on the imagery of this gorgeous deck also. This deck has the art of Ciro Marchetti.

In The Fool card in addition to all of the above which is true for all Fool cards in any deck we have the added imagery of The Fool carelessly juggling the signs of the zodiac. This translates to the juggling of the science of the heavens and the vastness of the human experience we encounter everyday in our lives often carelessly. The symbols also represent all types of personality traits. Perhaps by juggling all of them he can decide which he will end up with? Yet we know that will be determined by his journey. The question is posed will he make this choice or will it be made for him by some predetermined luck or fate? Whilst he is busy juggling he is also managing a gold hoop at his feet. Should he be paying more attention to this gold hoop or is it merely a distraction from the true job at hand? He does not think about that. He lives in the moment filled with wonder and curiosity and does not much care about the end of the journey.

The Fools message here is one of unconventional choices. Adopt a playful attitude in a serious situation and take a leap of faith. You have no way of knowing where the journey will end so pick a route that takes your fancy and head off with confidence.

Be aware if carelessness and folly as there is a difference between taking a risk and heading headlong into danger. Reckless behaviour can lead to a long path of unhappiness.
Title: The Magician
Post by: Christine on July 31, 2005, 10:21:56 PM
1. The Magician


1 is the beginning of a cycle. It is a masculine or assertive number dealing with creation, willpower, leadership and independence.

The Magician card refers to the first steps of a new beginning. A guide and teacher and the ability to encourage others. Also to develop the character, personality and skills of the young. The development of communication skills, artistic skills. Can also show the qualities of a spiritual teacher or protector.
Basically these skills though are as yet not manifested. But there is an upsurge of energy and intuition. There is a message that the journey is possible as all of the resources are available even if they are not yet realised. The possibilities of life can be manifested. Creative power from above can be manifested into earthly reality. As this young soul sets off on its journey we can see it has access to all of the equipment it needs. How the soul uses these gifts is entirely up to itself. Take time to meditate on what is available to you for this new experience. In essence the Magician is how we do things and how we learn.
On an inner level the Magician is our Guide. No matter what is happening around us, no matter what is going wrong for us, somewhere inside us is there is the foresight and resources to manage. These are often hidden from our consciousness but can be accessed to divine what direction to take. There is a sense of coming into our own confidence.

Reversed it can indicate blocked energy, depression or mental disquiet. The possibility of deceit and the need to look deeper into a situation. Perhaps the need for change if one is not applying oneself in the right direction.

The Gilded Tarot version:

The Magician is the master magic maker and also a man of science. Unlike The Fool he is fully aware of cause and effect. He is aware of the power of his will and the importance of his choices.
The elements represented in Wands, Cups, Swords and Pentacles are within his control. When he learns to control his will he can accomplish whatever he chooses.
His message is one of responsibility and discipline. He reminds us we have the power, the knowledge and the tools to accomplish whatever we wish. We must focus our will and hone our skills.
However power can blind. Be aware of control and manipulation. The negative stereotype of The Magician is the charlatan or swindler.
Title: High Priestess
Post by: Christine on July 31, 2005, 10:45:16 PM
2. High Priestess


2 is a feminine number which expresses the qualities of love, harmony, intuition, kindness and spirituality. Two deals with duality, choice, polarity, balance and co-operation.

The High Priestess card represents the moon. It also represents the ability to use intuition and receive spiritual inspiration. Activity beneath the surface, the whole picture cannot be seen at this point. The subconscious, intuition, instinct, mystery, stillness, holds many secrets, not yet surfaced, abundant potential, but as yet unfulfilled. Psychic gifts, clairvoyance, deep mysteries, the ability to guide children and strengthen men. The value of quiet retreat, seclusion, receptivity, seeking guidance and council. Wisdom. The womb of the unconscious in which the secret of our real purpose and the pattern of our destiny are contained. Only through withdrawal from outer involvement can we allow the inner voice of vision and psychic forces to speak to us. Action must follow the realisation of potential, or the potential will never be realised. An affinity with the healing arts, magic and mystery. The High Priestess is usually thought of as one of, if not the, most psychic card in the whole deck. The appearance of this card can mean that the person's powers of intuition will be heightened, they may have a sense that "something" is at work in their life, or they may suddenly develop an interest in the occult or esoteric. Scientific and mathematical knowledge.

Reversed - Passiveness, fear of life and of other people, perhaps afraid to open up to other people. A need for a deeper commitment. Person doesn't know what they are talking about, all mumbo jumbo.

On an inner level, the High Priestess represents that part of us which knows the secrets of the inner world, which holds the secret of our destiny, and which gestates in darkness until the time is ripe for manifestation. There may he prophetic dreams or strange coincidences which make us begin to wonder w Nether there might be some hidden pattern at work in our lives.

The Gilded Tarot version


The High Priestess speaks of the unknown and contradictions. Her face is masked yet she is clothed in a transparent gown. She floats with her toe barely skimming the surface of the subconscious and her head is crowned with 9 glowing orbs. These orbs represent the nine planets. She is between two pillars holding some strange mechanism, we know not what it does. The night sky behind her hints at the poetic mystery of the moon yet also the logically charted courses of the heavenly bodies. She beguiles, she promises knowledge and she can be dangerous. We must accept her wisdom and energy cautiously.

The message of the High Priestess is about a kind of knowing that is beyond logic. Pay attention to your intuition and recognize that there are different ways of knowing. Whilst the stars and planets in the night sky can be charted and understood rationally, this same sky inspires us in ways that are foreign to our sense of reason.

Be aware of staying too long in the heady realms of the High Priestess. You must take your inspiration and translate it into action. Honor the muse, but do not become her slave.
Title: Learning the Tarot
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2005, 10:51:11 PM
it beautiful card as The Gilded Tarot version
Title: The Empress
Post by: Christine on August 05, 2005, 11:03:53 PM
3. The Empress


Three is the number of joy, abundance, imagination and artistic expression.

The Empress represents the planet Venus. Fertility, the ability to produce and make things grow, accomplishment. The mother, a strong female influence, unconditional love, growth, prosperity, productivity, wealth, harvest, nurturing. Encouragement and inspiration for artistic and aesthetic projects. Self worth, the desire to give birth to something remarkable, attraction, abundance, awareness of the body and the senses. This is the card of the seasons and all that shall be well within a season. Can be a marriage, or the birth of a child, or the birth of a creative child, an artistic offspring. Signifies a time to approach life with passion, to create, to produce and then to support what is created. Focus is on happiness, travel and enjoyment. A very positive growth period, put intuition to good use and communicate desires.

Reversed - A retreat from feeling, either rejecting emotions or attempting to suppress desires, particularly sexual. A sense of stifling, overbearing, overprotective, not allowing growth and development to take place. Bitterness and resentment, because life requires change and separation and endings must occur. Mother may have problems in cutting apron strings or vice-versa, i.e. letting go of mother''s influence and doing own thing. May represent conflict between self and mother or mother image.

On an inner level, the Empress represents the experience of mothering, not only the physical processes of gestation, birth and nurturing of the young and helpless child, but also the discovery of the body as something valuable and precious which merits care. The experience of being part of nature and rooted in natural life, the appreciation of the senses and the simple pleasures of daily existence. She has the knowledge that all things move in cycles and ripen at the appropriate time, she is wise with the wisdom of nature and has an inner feeling of security and safety in the present.

The Gilded Tarot version


The Empress follows the High Priestess just as inspiration is ideally followed by manifestation. The astrological symbols surrounding her represent the possibillities of life, her red hair and red belt suggest earthy passion and sensuality. Covering her passion though is her blue, flowing cloak, representing her emotions. A necklace of the solar system hangs close to her heart. Her actions are largely nurturing and internal and surrounded by feeling. She represents the mother archetype from whom all life flows. She also holds a circle with a cross, a symbol of the feminine and a symbol of the balance of opposites- both the idea and the physical form of the idea. Both the inspiration and the manifestation. At the most basic levvel, she is both the epitome of love and the birth of a life resulting from that love.

The message The Empress brings is one of creation and passion. You are in a position to nurture and give birth to a project. Tap into the energy of Mother Earth and celebrate the gifts she bestows on you.

Be aware of maintaining a healthy balance. Don't allow your emotions or actions become obsessive or controlling. A garden needs careful and loving cultivation- too much or too little upsets the delicate balance of beuty.
Title: The Emperer
Post by: Christine on August 13, 2005, 09:58:12 PM
4. The Emperor


Four is the number of stability, structure, work, discipline and order.

Represents the astrological sign, Aries. The father, a strong male influence, conditional love. The qualities of the perfect ruler, self mastery, stability. The correct use of power. The father who teaches the child self confidence. Ordering thoughts and harnessing your energies toward stable goals. Power and leadership, at home with ambition, authority and confidence to begin new projects. Understanding action as being the road to fulfillment of ambitions. Experiencing wholeness and unity within the self. Having vision and seeking stability. The ruler who has the power to lead others, will make war to protect that which he governs, the practical idealist. A need to make something solid, to concretise an idea, to build something with a firm structure, to found a business, perhaps, or to establish the structure of a home and family. Can be a crucial test, time to formulate ideas and ethics. Can also indicate a person who holds great power over the subject, very often the father, or it can be husband or lover, especially those who treat their lovers as substitute fathers, to whom they surrender control of their lives. The bringer of worldly power - material success and wealth. A legally binding matter, e.g. marriage, buying or selling real estate, or home issues resolved. Think before taking action.

Reversed - Can signify immaturity and the inability to make harsh decisions and carry them through. Direction is needed, lack of control, need for self discipline. Misuse of power, tyranny, over-domineering, rigidity, self righteousness.

On an inner level, the Emperor is an image of the experience of fathering, the self-sufficiency with which we survive in the world, the authority and ambition which drive us to achieve, and the discipline and foresight necessary to accomplish our goals. The Emperor demands action, rather than intuitive flowing with nature, as epitomised by the Empress. To be in relationship with the inner father means to possess a sense of one's potency, one's capacity to initiate ideas and concretise them in the world. To be dominated by the inner father means to be enslaved by a set of beliefs which crush all human feeling with their inflexibility and arrogance. A need to find ethical principles by which to live.

The Gilded Tarot version


In many ways The Emperor is the mirror image of The Empress. Notice the reversal of the colour of their clothing. The passionate red of The Emperor’s garment is external, as are his actions. He is surrounded not by the abstract glyph symbols of The Empress but by more realistic signs of the zodiac. He holds a representation of the solar system in his hands, showing a more external control than The Empress. He is driven by love and desire for what is right for everyone, as indicated by his blue undercloak, he is also concerned however with the realistic functioning of everyday life. On a social level he seeks to create stability so that society as a whole can reach it’s highest good. As a father archetype, he wishes to give his children a strong foundation, allowing them to achieve their best.

The message of The Emperor is that of healthy stability. Create an environment that allows you to function at your best. Seek well-functioning order in your life in terms of your home, your workplace, and your relationships. Appreciate the rules of society that allow a smooth and peaceful life.

Be aware of stifling and stagnating rules and regulations. Creating order in your life simply for the sake of order alone is inhibiting, not liberating. Learn when it is time to question the obligations of society.
Title: The Hierophant
Post by: Christine on September 16, 2005, 07:47:10 PM
5. The Hierophant


Five is the number of freedom, progress, change, versatility.

Represents the astrological sign, Taurus. Represents the God within, the inner teacher who has a firm footing which can help us gain truth. May appear for a spiritual teacher, or an individual devoted to right personal development. May indicate that change or innovation is inappropriate, stands for the need in each one of us to a lesser or greater extent to abide by the conventions - to conform. Spiritual reality expressed through law, religion, philosophy, tradition, an ethical system. Exoteric teachings. Can be a teacher, guru or mentor who gives guidance. Quest for spiritual understanding and the meaning of life. Great healer. Can mean a blessing in disguise. Can mean churches, doctrines and education in general. Could be a surrender of responsibility (to church, etc.) Individual will seek answers of a philosophical kind. .4 time for meditation, be silent and trust intuition, faith in our higher self brings results, psychic ability.

Reversed - unorthodoxy, especially mental. Can perhaps be gullible. Meaningless ritual, brain-washing and the inability to think for oneself, stunted spiritual growth. Resenting authority or control by others. A male who is cold, not cruel, but considers himself the authority in matters of order, right and wrong.

On an inner level, The Hierophant represents an image of that part of us which reaches upward toward the spirit in order to understand what is required of us by God. The laws of the Hierophant are concerned with right behaviour in the eyes of God. In the Mythic deck, he is known as the wounded healer, the one who through his own pain can understand and appreciate the pain of others, thus the Hierophant can represent some wounded part of ourselves, where some unsolvable problem or limitation deepens us and makes us compassionate. The true priest is open to the world's pain and longing because he himself suffers.

The Gilded Tarot version


A leader and teacher wearing vestments, indicating wisdom, almost fades into the background. The stained glass window enveloping him brings to mind the great cathedrals of the past, incredible poems of glass and stone reaching toward heaven. This is an apt symbol of humankind's greatest achievements of understanding the physical and spiritual worlds. A view of the universe-of all that there is to know, both physically and spiritually-lies beyond. Looking at these elements as three levels, we see in the background the knowable universe, then humankind's understanding and utilisation of this knowledge, and finally the passing on of that knowledge to individual people through formal education and religious training.

The message of the Hierophant reminds us of the marvelous accomplishments of humankind and of the great resources of knowledge that are available to us. Respect the achievements of generations past. Use that knowledge to create with usefulness and beauty. Do not disdain tradition out of hand but see what wonderful things it has to offer.

Be aware of following tradition blindly. Do not accept all knowledge without question; rather, question authority. Make sure all beliefs and practices make sense to your own heart and mind before you make them part of your life.
Title: 6. The Lovers
Post by: Christine on November 04, 2005, 09:24:21 PM


Six is the number of service, responsibility, balance, harmony and love of home and family.

Represents the astrological sign, Gemini. This card can represent the "marriage made in heaven", the inner marriage. Can also indicate a strong soul connection or romance between two people, in addition to great inner attunement. Choice between the sacred and the profane, the outer path or the inner path of the occultist, a romantic or love relationship, harmony and unanimity, synthesis, a diagram of the unified self, combining elements of the head and heart, union of the divine within ourselves and the universe, the end of isolation and the forming of a bond based on love. Relationship and partnership. Cooperation of the conscious and the unconscious in making a balanced decision, recognition of the duality within ourselves and others. Two paths, the time for choice, the outcome of which is of vital importance. A love triangle or a choice between love and a career or some creative activity. The card can refer to a minor choice or a major crisis in a person's life. A particular relationship has been, or will prove to be, very valuable to the person, leading them to a new understanding of life. May be a commitment to be made, such as marriage, changes in career or moving home. A need to trust our higher self to come up with the right choice.
Reversed - Unrequited love, failure to see the bad in a situation, destructive love, a bad marriage, blind or foolish action, not seeing that all choices have consequences for which we are responsible. Blaming fate for our future, rather than our lack of reflection.

On an inner level, the Lovers often augurs the necessity of a choice of some kind, sometimes in love. We need to put our values to the test, looking carefully at the implications of our choices.

The Gilded Tarot


A perfect, passionate union rises, romantic and idealised, from the waters of our subconscious and our dreams. But this is more than romance, more than a man and a woman, we see here the elements necessary to achieve such a union. The couple is grounded in water, showing a deep connection of their emotions. The warrior's red clothing and the deep orange of the sunset surround the scene with fiery passion. The beauty and abandon of the woman suggests earthly sensuality. The dolphins, although creatures of water, indicate intelligence and communication that are characteristic of the element of air. Finally, the upward motion of the couple and woman's gaze toward the heavens illustrate a higher focus on the spiritual realm.

The message of the Lovers tells us to make good and balanced choices. Indeed, the original meaning of this card in the earliest Tarot decks was called the Choice and showed a man choosing between two women. Consider all the facets before committing to any decision. Choose well and build a foundation that can help you achieve your best dreams.
Be aware of letting one element of a choice overshadow all else. A relationship with simply a physical attraction, a career decision with only an intellectual appeal, or a home opportunity with decadent amenities may not be the best choice in the long run.
Title: The Chariot
Post by: Christine on November 04, 2005, 09:39:30 PM


Seven is the number of spirituality, wisdom, silence and inner attunement.

Represents the astrological sign Cancer. (Can highlight issues about one's home). Can represent opportunities appearing. If well placed in a spread, a successful outcome is assured, as is triumph over difficulties and obstacles. An inevitable force for change, and once on its way, it is unstoppable. Having the ambition and drive to surmount any obstacles in our path. Victory through courage and hard work, triumph over ill health, material difficulties and enemies of any kind. Setting forth on a journey. Self discipline, control over the instincts, success through the will. Masking yourself with armour while instinctively moving through challenges. May be time to take off the armour after having been hurt. Inner conflict, learn from this and grow, may be on a material or emotional level, depending on other cards. Honour or award due, harness your energy and apply it wisely. Resolution of quarrels and the serenity which can be found at the end of a conflict which has been creatively handled. The Charioteer is our Higher Self, whom we can trust to guide us in all our efforts.

Reversed - situation out of control. Willpower alone cannot always sustain us, sometimes we must learn to give way to the gods. Negative vibrations of unfairness, pressure, force. Pride. Struggling with the warring opposites and warlike urges within ourselves, or disowning them and forcing them into the unconscious, where they re-emerge as illness or are projected upon others who then unleash aggression upon us.

On an inner level this card can represent being honest with ourselves about our aggressive drives, and the struggle of learning to contain and direct them.. Our aggressive instincts guided and directed by the will of consciousness.

The Gilded Tarot


The Chariot is a card of victory. The medallion of the sun on top of the chariot indicates the immense power and focus of the woman's mind. Although victory seems a rather straightforward concept, the card is full of contradictions. A woman in royal purple rides in a chariot. Instead of horses and forward movement, we see two sphinxes. Sphinxes often symbolise riddles. Their silver and gold color represents opposing ideas. The woman appears to be driving this motionless vehicle without reins; indeed, she is looking off in another direction. Yes, this is a card of victory. She has control, gained perhaps by strength of will alone. But she has not resolved the riddle of opposing ideas. She has achievement but not understanding.

The message of the Chariot is one of willpower and control. Recognise your own strength and ability to maintain order in the midst of chaos. Know that you can achieve more than you think you can. Celebrate your accomplishments.

Be aware of repressing issues or turning away from ideas that puzzle you. Once you achieve your goals, do not come to a complete stop, thinking that you have arrived. There is always more to learn and accomplish.
Title: 8. Strength
Post by: Christine on November 19, 2005, 09:52:14 PM


Eight is the number of giving and receiving in balance, which leads to power, authority, success and material fortune. It is also the number of karma in action.

Represents the astrological sign, Leo. Operating from our inner strength, governing this strength through love and gentleness. Can represent activating the kundalini, our creative energy, with loving control. The courage to persist despite fear and emotional strain. The ability to soothe the hostile forces `within ourselves and others. Enthusiasm and lust for life, thee release of fears, the ability to firmly guide people away from trouble as a healer, teacher or adviser. Union of higher and lower natures, love without judgement. The ability to face life, and particularly some difficult problem or time of change with hope and eagerness. A strong person from within. If Strength appears in connection with the Chariot, it can signify an alternative to force and ~t illpower, especially if the Chariot is reversed. The two cards can also symbolise complementary sides, the best configuration being Strength in the position of the inner self, and the Chariot in the position of the outer (the vertical and horizontal lines of a cross). Then we see a person who acts powerfully but with a sense of calm. When faced with a difficult or even seemingly impossible task, the appearance of Strength brings with it the ability to surmount the difficulties, to achieve the impossible. Moral courage may be insufficient if the body is weak, so Strength should be accompanied by healthy exercise and diet if it is not to be undermined. Hidden forces at k\ork. seeming to help us through. Represents spiritual, as well as physical, strength.

Negative - Foolhardiness, cowardice, rage , destroying blindly and at random when things do not go our way,-filled with inflated self-importance and senseless pride, trying to squash another person.

On an inner level, represents a kind of transformation, so that the strength and determination of the lion are expressed by a human and not a beast.

Integrating the vital power of the beast and making it serve a conscious and responsible ego. Learning about ourselves, leading to transformation. A need to conquer negative and recognise the truth. Gaining a solid sense of 'me', not worried by the opinions of others.

Gilded tarot version


A woman with a great presence and sense of purpose walks side by side with a lion. The chain is wrpped loosely around it's neck and is held loosely by the woman's hand. The lion is the woman's animal instincts. These instincts neither lead her nor are they dragged along behind her. They are there, a reserve of strength, power, and courage, for whenever she should have need of them.

The messsage of strength reminds you that you have more strength, power and courage than you realise. Learn to live easily with these gifts and use them where appropriate.

Be aware of two extremes. Do not let your strength or baser desires control you. Conversely, do not deny your power.
Title: 9. The Hermit
Post by: Christine on November 22, 2005, 09:27:31 PM
9. The Hermit


Nine is a finishing up number, it is the number of brotherhood, universal love and completion.

Represents the astrological sign Virgo. Signifies the end of a cycle. A wise teacher or guide. Shining the light of spiritual awareness, sharing wisdom. Leave a situation alone and withdraw for a while, becoming detached to be able to see things clearly. Solitude, a retreat from the world so that batteries can be recharged, time given to oneself and one's own needs. A patient search for answers, humility, acting through the light of experience. Wait and seek guidance from within. True knowledge of the soul gained through removal and introspection. Maturity and knowledge of what really matters in a person's life. Assistance from a psychic guide or a real person, can refer to the querent if they are involved in helping others find understanding. Teaching which helps open inner awareness. The Hermit holds the light out to guide us, indicating his willingness to lead us and our ability to find the way if only we will use the Strength we have to follow. Setting new goals for inner advancement, seeking advice from someone we trust.

Reversed - a fear of other people, can mean that a person needs to become involved with other people. Hanging onto meaningless activities. Loneliness and a cynical attitude to life. An ostrich with its head buried in the sand. Stubborn resistance to change and the passage of time.

On an inner Level the Hermit embodies the meaning of time and also rebels against it. A need to learn wisdom in solitude and silence. The problems of solitude and the discovery that one is ultimately alone and mortal. Acceptance of circumstances which only time, not battle, can release. Gaining the qualities of stillness and serenity to enable us to cope with the obstacles and disappointments which life sometimes brings. The shrewdness to change what we can, to accept what we cannot, and to wait in silence until we can tell the difference.

Gilded Tarot version


Here is a mysterious old man walking a lonely narrow path illuminated by a single light. The light is representative of his mind and the knowledge he has acquired. The staff symbolises the power of his will. The red belt represents something of the passion that drives him in his search. Although he has much knowledge and a strong will htere is much in his heart that is unresolved.  So he goes off alone to contemplate, to compare conventional knowledge to what is in his heart.

The message of the Hermit is one of self knowledge. It is time for you to withdraw, contemplate what you know, and make sure your beliefs relect the reading of your own heart. First learn who you are and what you believe in. Then you can trust yourself without depending on the opinion of others.

Be aware of withdrawing too long or for the wrong reasons. Withdrawing from life out of fear or to avoid personal accountability or responsibility  is not the same as self examination.
Title: 10. The Wheel of Fortune
Post by: Christine on November 23, 2005, 10:01:53 PM
10. The Wheel of Fortune


10 is I + 0. 1 is the beginning of a new cycle, and 0 represents the completion of a previous cycle. This signifies the application of wisdom gained in the previous cycle to a new one.

Represents the planet Jupiter. This card signifies growth, evolution and karma, and can represent the understanding of cause and effect. When the opportunity this card suggests arises, it must be seized, it is the card of syncronicity. The Wheel turns, change is inevitable, whether on a physical or spiritual level, a new chapter in life is starting, a decision of importance is to be made, and the more we are aware of our own power over our destiny, the clearer things will appear. Can mean letting go of old ties in business or relationships that are a burden. Turning points, learning from recurring motif's in one's life. Can mean a shift of fortune, movement, change of job, luck. Beginnings and endings, change. With each turn of the wheel more growth becomes possible, learning from mistakes, allow the wheel to bring new experience. The important thing about change is the reaction - do we accept the new situation and adapt to it? Do we use it as an opportunity and find some meaning and value in it?

Reversed - a struggle against events, lost opportunities, best to delay decisions and avoid unnecessary risks.

On an inner level, the Wheel of Fortune represents an image of a deep and mysterious law at work within the individual, which is unknown and unseen yet which seems to precipitate sudden changes of fortune that overturn the established pattern of life. Although it feels like fate, the changes spring not from some externall power, but from within the depths of the soul. The moving rim of the Wheel is like the moving panorama of life which we encounter, but the hub remains still at the centre, a constant and unchanging essence or source. The hub is thus like the hidden Self which `chooses' (although it is no choice of the conscious ego) to turn itself toward various situations, events, paths and people. Fate does not come to meet us; rather, we turn to meet our fate.

Gilded Tarot version


The wheel is sometimes viewed as fate. It tends to frighten us because the wheel is seemingly turning out of control. Here we see a fully mechanised wheel withastrological symbols onit, controlled by the stars, the rhythms of nature and life. Sometimes things happen in our lives that seem inexplicable, but we must remember that life is full of cycles. The sun int he centre of the wheel  can represent our mind. If we are centred and secure then no matter how the wheel turns, we are not at it's mercy. We can view something in a number of ways, as a blessing or a curse, a tragedy or an opportunity.

The message of the wheel is twofold. First, know that life has it's ups and downs and many times things happen that affect you but that are not, strictly speaking, personal. As an example, you may work for a company that is bought out. Your job may become redundant. It is not done to hurt you personally, although it deeply affects you. Secondly, events in life are often good or bad simply becasuse you view them as such. Keep your centre and your focus and don't be rattled by events you cannot control.
Be aware of using the cycles of the wheel to neglect personal responsibility. Keep in mind the things that are within your control and don't blame circumstances for mistakes that are actually your own.
Title: Celtic Cross Spread
Post by: Christine on August 08, 2006, 07:21:56 PM
Below is a list for the meanings of the positions in the Celtic Cross Spread.


1. The centre card shows some basic quality of the person or their situation. Basically the enquirer in relation to the question.

2. This card refers to the positive or negative influences that are influencing the person's present state of mind or position in life.

3. This card shows a possible outcome, a general trend. The person is heading in this direction, although it may not necessarily come about. It can also refer to the hopes of the person in relation to the reading or their question. You can ask if they have a specific question if you feel it will help to clarify the situation. Often it is the conflict crossing front of them.

4. A situation or event usually, though not always, in the past, which has helped create the current situation. There may be a connection here with one of the first two cards. This card can also refer to the more unconscious elements in the person's life and can refer to a deeper request for self knowledge. The foundation or basis of the issue.

5. This card relates to the present and the past, it is the card that is passing away, but its influence is still present. This card relates to the impact on the person of this event or situation.

6. This card refers to the near future, it can also be a summing up of the past six cards, but it is not a totality of the outcome. If a situation begins in a certain way and ends very differently, then the reason might lie in the near future bringing in some new situation or person to change the direction. Or, if the outcome card is very different in character from the near future, this might indicate that the coming situation will have no listing effect. Very often forces affecting the future.

7. This card refers to the person you are reading for. It is also the card that will give the greatest clue to the answer of a question. It can refer to a new situation that may be coming up that requires the person's attention. Also the self image card. Often different to the card in card 1. The self image card does not always reflect the inner you.

8. This is the environment card, or influence of others. If a Court card appears in this position, it will usually mean a person influencing the subject. It may refer to influences that affect the person positively or negatively, depending on the meaning and value of the card, and also what the person has in their life, the situation they are presently in and being affected by. Often how others see you in the situation.

9. This is the card of hopes and fears and shows how the person's attitude to the future affects the working out of events. A person's attitude can create success and vice versa. It will often illustrate what you most want or most fear.

10. The outcome card finishes the story of the reading. It can offer advice and warnings, answer the question or look into the more distant future. If the outcome seems to be an unpleasant event, then the subject can look at the preceding cards to see what influences are pushing in that direction, with the hope of changing the situation. If the outcome appears desirable, then a similar study of the preceding cards can help increase the influences which are tending towards the result. Basically the outcome if all things remain the same at the time of the reading.
Title: Reading the cards
Post by: Christine on August 08, 2006, 07:46:53 PM
Before you are going to do a reading it is important to prepare yourself.

Quietly sit and calm yourself. Perhaps do a few breathing exercises. Basically whatever you have to do to open yourself up to receive messages and communicate with spirit and guides. This will differ from person to person. Quiet your body and mind.

Focus on the person for whom the reading is for. That may involve reassuring the engurier that you will not tell them anything to frighten them if they are with you for the reading.

Be alert and aware. Being tired, bored or ill will not help you to do a good reading.

Be respectful of the tool you are using and the way you are able to gain insight and information from them.

Distant readings are a little more tricky. It helps to do what you can to focus on the person. Perhaps have a photo of them or specific questions they might have. I use favourite colours and birthdays and combine that with what I might already know about the person to tune in to their energy.

Perferably set a place up where you will conduct readings. Prepare it by personalising it even if it is in your own home. Try to make it beautiful and meaningful. Use crystals, incense or subtle oils. I have a raw silk cloth I always read cards on and a particular crystal which allows me to gain even further insight. Natural fibres are best for the storing and reading of cards, plain with little or no pattern to detract from the cards. I embroidered a special bag to inspire me for each deck I use. A table or floor is the best place to read. This way you can spread out.

Don't be scared to have a reference book nearby and refer to it if you need to.

To get started- shuffle the cards whilst thinking of a question or a situation. Remind yourself the answers will  be int he middle of the deck when you are shuffling. Stop when you feel you should. Using your left hand divide the deck into 3 parts left to right. Pick up the middle part first and then the other parts underneath it from left to right. Draw the cards out of from the top in order.

Alternately you can write your question down. Remember the cards will not tell you what to do. You must accept responsibility for what you discover and act upon always. Try to stay neutral and positive when reading what the cards are saying.

To reverse or not to reverse that is the question?

When first learning the cards there seems so much to remeber that it is probably easier to ignore reversed cards. Simply make sure all of your cards are the right way up prior to the reading. If one comes up reversed perhaps make amental note of it but then turn it right way around. As you read more and more the reversed meanings will become easier to manage.
Title: Re: Learning the Tarot
Post by: skye131924 on August 20, 2009, 04:21:08 PM
I am looking at the cards now (at the hundreds of different kinds) however for some reason the Legacy of the Divine looks good for me *shrugs*
Title: Re: Learning the Tarot
Post by: catseyes on August 20, 2009, 05:23:20 PM
You should always go with what feels right to you.
Title: Re: Learning the Tarot
Post by: Christine on August 20, 2009, 06:02:54 PM
I should finish writing this.....
Title: Re: Learning the Tarot
Post by: on April 23, 2012, 01:39:04 AM
Christine this thread is awesome. Thank you for all this great information :)
Title: Re: Learning the Tarot
Post by: Christine on April 23, 2012, 09:45:06 PM
I need to add more lol....I've been busy rofl
Title: Re: Learning the Tarot
Post by: on April 23, 2012, 11:49:49 PM
haha i was hoping you would say that. i'm ready for more when you are. :))
Title: Re: Learning the Tarot
Post by: Christine on May 06, 2012, 05:41:29 PM
A more in depth look at Wands.

About Wands; wands represent the  element fire. The Wands are the suit of creativity, action and movement. They are associated with such qualities as enthusiasm, adventure, risk-taking and confidence. Travelling and reaching for goals are also qualities associated with this element. This suit corresponds to the yang, or masculine principle. The energy of this suit flows outwards. Wands represent the fire element. The negative side of Wands can be counter-productivity through rashness. Fire also burns if uncontrolled and undirected. In astrology the fire signs are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Many wands in a reading can mean that the person you are reading for is of a fiery temperament. People with a fiery nature need to know that they are alive and whether they achieve this feeling through excitement or conflict is of little consequence to them. The sheer exhilaration they get when directing their energy towards a particular purpose far surpasses the feeling they get from more passive pursuits. For Wands types, to have a purpose is often more important than achieving it.
Wands thrive on conquests in love and business. They love the challenge more than the rewards. Earthy types such as Pentacles enjoy the reward more than the challenge.
Like fire, Wands types approach life with eagerness and action. They are fuelled by challenges, new horizons and conflicts. But Wands types can also become melancholy because inaction and deep despair are not feelings that Wand type people feel naturally, they can be intolerant of people who are experiencing these states. Wands usually learn by doing and avoid theory whenever possible.
Title: Re: Learning the Tarot
Post by: Christine on May 06, 2012, 06:12:36 PM
The suit of Wands has a story as well. King, Queen, Knight and Page represent Father, Mother, Son and Son or Son and Daughter as the Page lacks a strong gender identity. These figures are approaches to the lesson of fire. While still a child the Page listens to fathers tales of travel, adventure, achievement and conquest. Later as he grows to the Knight, he needs to experience such things for himself. The Knight sometimes clashes with the Father. Father attempts to discipline Knight while Mother tries to settle their disputes. Although Mother sees Knight is acting like Father had in his younger years, Father (King) doesn’t see this at all. Stifled Knight decides to leave home to travel and experience things for himself. His realisation that he can no longer stay at home is reflected in the Ace of Wands.  In the Two of Wands the Knight is look to his future and assessing his alternatives. Although he could choose to stay home, it is too predictable for his tastes. In Three of Wands he has decided upon his chosen path and simply awaits the correct time to make his move. Perhaps he is looking for a place to go or letting it be known amongst his circle that he is about to move. The Four of Wands sees him make the move and settle (in a typical Knight of Wands fashion however as they never truly do settle), into his chosen place or environment. He is joyous and in his honeymoon phase where life is good and he revels in sharing his place and position with his “equals”. This is in opposition to his memories of home where he felt he wasn’t equal. In the Five card however, problems start to develop. Now he has 5 people with 5 different opinions on how to tackle issues and challenges. Each are raised differently and each equally committed to their own opinions as he is. Messy versus neat and tidy. Tensions mount. In the Six of Wands the Knight reminds himself that he might just as well be at home with his family for he finds himself in the same situation as he was at home with them. Tensions and power struggles abound. He exercises his own person power to move house again. This time however he arranges an environment where he directs himself and those around him to a more common goal. He surrounds himself with like minded people, thus eliminating tension and in doing so he learns the challenge of leadership. E is becoming more like his father every day. In Seven, he finds himself on top of the demands of life. Whilst staying on top exhilarates him, he remembers that he wants greater challenges and that he needs to reach more important goals. One of the goals he remembers is to travel. So now he needs to raise money to do so and to do this he takes on two jobs. Although difficult he sees the bigger picture and knows it is worthwhile. Eight of Wands sees him set off travelling. He experiences a new sense of freedom and love of life. He is determined to continue travelling and enjoy the whole world instead of just one place. He wonders why people wanted him to miss out on this experience and he realises his hard work (of card 7) is paying off for him. However in card Nine, he realises he now needs another challenge or conflict to feed his hunger for excitement. He examines his journey thus far and prepares himself for a new challenge unaware that the source of conflict is actually within him. The Knight finds his greater challenge in card Ten where he becomes burdened with those things he has left behind unresolved.  The lesson in this card is the need to organisation, planning, resolution and delegation.
When he masters this lesson, taming or disciplining that fire within, he becomes and King Of Wands.  In the Kind card he is  shown looking towards his next challenge once more, yet waiting for his Queen to join him so they can travel together.
He has learned that the journey is more important than the outcome and that the Queen of Wands is exactly the woman to make this next journey exciting and worthwhile.
Later he will become a hero to his own little boy, and will revel in the wide eyed interest of the innocent Page. He also will clash with his rebellious teenage Son, the new Knight, who also wants to experience it all for himself. On occasion he will remember he too once believed all those things that his Son presently does and he will once again be tempted by the memories of his travels.
Title: Re: Learning the Tarot
Post by: Christine on May 06, 2012, 06:57:32 PM
A more in depth look at Pentacles.

About Pentacles: Pentacles represent the element of Earth. Earth represents that which is real, material or in physical form. Wands demonstrate enthusiasm and practical effort. Cups describe emotional sensitivity and creativity. Swords depict thought, ideas and understanding. Pentacles relate to the end product of these, when you combine inspiration with a plan, and enthusiasm with practical effort. Each point of the pentacle star represents a part of the body. The upright point is the mind in control of physical passions. The circle around the pentacle is to contain the energy of the pentacle so that it may be used for a practical purpose. Pentacle types are earthy, they are at home with nature, practicality, the business world and material possessions. While Wands types tend to live in the future, Pentacles live in the present. They are more comfortable in their physical existence than the other types. They take good care of their bodies. They often appear healthy, alive and grounded.  Pentacles appearing in a reading signify financial or material issues in the forefront of your mind. They often appear in a reading about finances or career.
Title: Re: Learning the Tarot
Post by: Christine on May 06, 2012, 07:51:53 PM
The story of the suit of Pentacles: The four pentacle cards represent Father, Mother, Son and Daughter. As the family is materially comfortable, the King puts aside some money for his children. He gives them a portion of their inheritance when they become 18, 25 and then 30. As the Page grows, he (or she) dreams of the money and how it will grow by the time he receives it.

In the Ace of Pentacles, the first amount of the money is handed to the Knight. He is a serious Knight and plans to use the money wisely. He wants a solid return on his investment. In the Two of Pentacles, he is deciding what to do with his money, whether he should invest it or spend it. In the Three of Pentacles, he invests some of his money on his education. He trains in a profession. In Four, he enjoys the income from his profession as his business grows.  His business continues to expand in the Five card, so much so that he now has very little time for himself and to live his life. He continues to work but he feels tired and empty. In Six of Pentacles he employs some staff and in doing so manages to grab back some of his own time. He now manages his business venture. In the Seven card, he is thinking that to truly be successful he must learn more about staff management and business procedures so that he can fine tune his skills. In Eight, he is studying again to learn new skills and knowledge to add to his repertoire. This greater success is actualised in Nine. He experiences pride in his great achievements. In Pentacles ten he sits back while others do the work. His hair is grey and he is happy to observe at a comfortable distance as he sees to his animals. He has become the King of Pentacles. His Queens is not far from his side.
Title: Re: Learning the Tarot
Post by: on May 06, 2012, 10:13:00 PM
Wonderful!! Thank you, lovely C!!
Title: Re: Learning the Tarot
Post by: Christine on May 06, 2012, 10:18:43 PM
I decided to do some work on this today lol... I might do some more this week.
Title: Re: Learning the Tarot
Post by: Christine on May 08, 2012, 07:26:41 PM
The story of the suit of Cups:

Once again the four Court cards represent a family. A father, mother, son and daughter.  It is an harmonious family each concerned with the emotional wellbeing of the others. However the young boy is growing up now and has emotional needs which his parents and his sister cannot fulfil for him.

In the Ace the young man decides to find himself although he doesn’t consciously know this, and he has fallen in love. Two is where he discovers his first equal relationship. Almost all of his past ones were unequal. His parents had control over him, he has control over his sister. So now he is learning to transfer some of the love he has for his mother to his lover. His mother offers strength, wisdom, maturity and security, yet with an equal, close, love relationship he can reach new levels of intimacy through a sexual relationship. In Three he decides that is a none to one relationship is this good, why not add a third partner to the mix. Alternately a third person approaches him for a relationship, as he appears happy, positive and confident. At first there is a great deal of energy and all is well.  Until Four. Here he realises that this situation is turning out to be different to what he expected. He finds something is missing and longs for the perfect union he experienced in Two.  Now he has 3 opportunities, but he closes his eyes to them preferring to dream of the perfect relationship. As he sits dreaming he misses out as he is not emotionally there for any of them. In the Five card he becomes aware of his separateness. He stands and mourns lost opportunities and that path that leads him back to emotional stability. In the Six his fear of others coming between him and his partner is the cause of his need for a safe and secure relationship. This couple do practically everything together often replaying the parent roles in their relationship. Their relationship is safe and predictable.  In Seven he begins to realise that happiness cannot be found through someone else and that perhaps this relationship is not the answer to his emotional needs. He then starts an inward journey and discovers that something is missing from his present relationship.  Eight sees him walking away from the relationship either in body or spirit, searching for love that is deeper than he has known before. He realises he is alone on this search and unless others have mirrored his search they will not understand the depth of love or the significance of the journey.  In Nine something remarkable happens and he finds love of himself. Self worth. He finds out it was also within him. This grows into an unshakeable knowledge of his own emotional and spiritual worth. He doesn’t need to rely on anyone else’s opinion of him to boost his opinion of himself. He suddenly feels fulfilled and is bursting with inner contentment. He wants to share this happiness with someone special.

In Ten he is now ready, as the King of Cups, for a loving, sharing relationship like the one he had in the two card.  It will also have the security of the Six, the understanding of the Seven, the strength discovered in the Eight, the self love of the Nine and the emotional maturity of the King.  The three of cups presents itself once more and someone new enters the relationship. In this instance it is a child; a Page of Cups, Wands, Swords or Pentacles. There is room in this mature relationship for children to grown with love, security and independence. The couples first Page is followed by several more Pages and when this first Page becomes a Knight the King and Queen will patiently wait and watch while he repeats their mistakes in order to gain his own King experience. The path of the Page to the Queen is similar to the story above, except that she will mature from the Page directly to being Queen. Perhaps women mature emotionally more quickly than men?

Title: Re: Learning the Tarot
Post by: Christine on May 09, 2012, 01:10:17 AM
More about Cups

Cups represent the element of Water. Water seeks no challenge or conflict and is content to flow with the changes life brings. Whereas Fire insists upon individuality and separateness, water understands that on a universal level we are all part of a greater whole and that any conflict with another person is a reflection of the conflict within ourselves.  Although life changes our appearance, situation, location and so on, our true self remains intact.

Cups represent love and imagination, passive creativity (although they can represent active creativity when combined with the action of Wands’ action and the Pentacles’ worldliness), harmony and an approach to life through feelings, the Cups types approach is through love- both giving and receiving.

The Court cards represent the water signs in astrology- Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. Cups cards refer to a type of person or to the creative aspect f a person, not just an astrological sign.

In general terms, the colouring of Caucasian Cups types is blue or hazel eyes and brown to blonde hair.  Clearly not all people have these colourings so the cards can refer to a person’s nature as well as their colouring. When a minor arcane cards accompanies a Court card it can often give greater detail about the colouring of the person described in the Court card.  Eg the Queen of Cups accompanied by the Four of Pentacles (the general colouring for Pentacles types is dark hair and eyes)  could describe a woman with blue or hazel eyes and brown to dark hair.  She is still sensitive and creative yet darker in her colouring. If a Wands card accompanies the Queen of Cups, she might have red hair.

The element of Water shows us love as a path to spiritual fulfilment. Both to give and to receive love is important, for gratitude is as meaningful as meeting another’s needs. If you allow others to give, you show them that you value what they offer you. This allows for closeness and trust in friendship or in a relationship.

Negative Cups types often cannot be fulfilled in love or cannot forgive someone from their past and love again. Our lives revolve around having our need for love satisfied (although this can be replaced with power, money etc).  Without this need being fulfilled Cups types can become depressed, cynical or hardened.  Sometimes they replace this need for love with another more easily satisfied need. Drugs, chocolate, alcohol can suppress a need for love. If Cups types are unable to fulfil their need for love they may spend their time dreaming wistfully of days gone by. Alternately they might seek out overstimulation with drugs, gambling, sensuality or alcohol. This can stem from the belief that they are unable to love or completely fulfil themselves and that they must find this love and fulfilment from outside themselves.

When reversed the Cups cards can indicate a repressed or distorted attitude to love. In this case the Cups types fear love is scarce or that if they give love, they will lose whatever love they have. As a result, power struggles are often found in the relationships of the unbalanced Cups types. When life doesn’t give them what they want, they can become apathetic and wish to escape real life through fantasies.  Like the Water of the suit, they simply cease to flow and they stagnate.

In a general sense a reversed Cups Court card can suggest that a person is nursing old wounds emotionally. It is time for them to forgive, if only to allow a new supply of love to enter their lives. Upright Cups cards symbolise receptivity and new understanding that love cannot be seized but simply accepted.
Title: Re: Learning the Tarot
Post by: Christine on May 10, 2012, 12:31:06 AM
Card 13 The Death Card


In the Fools journey, he now accepts it is time for drastic change and sets about to do just that. He tries to break old habits and tiresome ways of life. He goes back to basics. These old ways and things end for him as he replaces them with the new more positive habits and ways he has been learning. The process seems like Death  as it is the death of his familiar self to enable the growth of a new self. At times he feels overwhelmed by the changes but he comes to realise that death is not permanent but merely a transition to a new life.
This card is a clearing of the old to make way for the new, new beliefs and new understanding and opportunities.  Life is an endless series of births and deaths. Some of these are more easily accepted than others. If you can learn to accept these deaths you can live more fully. When you lose connection with your spiritual source, your ego fears these deaths because it fears it will be destroyed. No new energy can come into place until the old energy is released.
Death does not refer to the transformation but to the moment when you surrender and allow the transformation to take place. It is this act of surrendering to the changes and having faith that life with eventually offer you something better than you are giving up.
The Death card represents the sign of Scorpio.  It involves realising that there is strength to be found in surrender.  In a Scorpios life you can usually view many changes, they tend to be visible as chapters. One door closes and another door opens applies.  Scorpios are offered many chances to experience these little deaths and to master the act of the surrender.

When the Death card appears you have often put out a subconscious desire for change on some level. Learn to resist struggling against these changes.

Pay attention to your lower abdomen, bowel or reproductive organs.

When there are so many changes around you and so many people going through such changes it is hard not to be affected. The reaction of these people to the Death card changes affects you. Be sure to only take on board the ones that affect you and learn to discern what changes you can learn or benefit from.

Gilded Tarot Death Card

Title: Re: Learning the Tarot
Post by: Lord Daemon on May 12, 2012, 07:35:50 PM
There is also another story in the Tarot if I may interject... the Story of Odin. It's a four card story. Is it okay if I through it in? It's a story of cycles.
Title: Re: Learning the Tarot
Post by: Christine on May 12, 2012, 10:16:49 PM
Please do that would be great!! Thanks
Title: Re: Learning the Tarot
Post by: Roma on March 22, 2013, 07:03:31 PM

Very helpful thanks Christine
Title: Re: Learning the Tarot
Post by: Christine on March 22, 2013, 07:21:41 PM
Must get back to this.....maybe next week when I have some time off.
Title: Re: Learning the Tarot
Post by: Christine on April 13, 2013, 02:22:54 PM
Card 14 Temperance


I find it helpful to consider the definition of Temperance before we look at the card in depth.

Temperance (Sophrosyne in Greek is defined as "moderation in action, thought, or feeling; restraint.") has been studied by religious thinkers, philosophers, and more recently, psychologists, particularly in the positive psychology movement. It is considered a virtue, a core value that can be seen consistently across time and cultures. It is considered one of the four cardinal virtues, for it is believed that no virtue could be sustained in the face of inability to control oneself, if the virtue was opposed to some desire. It is also one of the six main categories of the VIA character strengths. Temperance is generally defined by control over excess, so that it has many such classes, such as abstinence, chastity, modesty, humility, prudence, self-regulation, forgiveness and mercy; each of these involves restraining some impulse, such as sexual desire, vanity, or anger.


Having overcome his feelings of loss in the Death Card, The Fool questions whether he will ever find the new spiritual growth he is seeking. He has found himself learning to consider both sides of circumstances he has found himself in eg Justice (both sides of the scales), the Hanged Man (spiritual and material, being suspended yet not actually suspended at all), death and birth in card 13 the Death card. He needs to consider if if can actually have both or if one must be given up to gain the other.

So he comes upon Lady Temperance.

An angelic like creature standing in a river with one foot in the water and the other on the bank or rock. She is pouring what seems to be water from one chalice to another. This suggests that either something is being mixed together or that it is being distributed between the chalices. back to that balance lesson perhaps?

The Fool begins to realise he is the one keeping his Universe balanced and even distributed if you like. In the right proportions, given the right balance, two sides of anything can be properly managed within him. Temperance is moderation.

In the RW deck, the angelic creature appears to wear a head dress of an eye, a Centaur, suggesting the card is a Sagittarian card.

This card is about balance. Balance in many types of relationships. The Temperance card is a call for us to recognise flow in our own lives, and observe the nature of energy. This card tends to be an indication that healing is in need or is taking place. It can also mean shifts need to take place in order to gain the balance and peace this card suggests.

The chalices in the card remind us of the story of Christ turning water in to wine. This symbolises we are able to transform any situation into something different by our tempering our thoughts and actions in such a way as to bring about the results we desire.

Let's look at the feet, the right foot (our consciousnessness) is in the water, symbolic of the subconscious. This is a signal that our analytical minds need to be quietened. The left foot (our unconsciousness) is set on land which is a signal to ground ourselves. Again - this card is all about balance. As we align our mind, body and spirit we begin to see amazing results in our lives.

The triangle has many meanings but simplistically this symbol is a sign of balance and creativity, perfect for the meaning of this card.

You can also see a river leading to the sun, indicating that if we but following our path, listen to that inner voice of guidance, we will achieve our goals. Bask in the sun and in the glory of our triumph.

You are being prompted to do what it takes to find balance, in yourself, in your relationships, and with your goals.  and aspirations.

Gilded Tarot

Title: Re: Learning the Tarot
Post by: Lord Daemon on July 24, 2013, 04:45:15 PM
The Story of Odin.

The story begins with the Hermit

The wise god Odin was always seeking new knowledge and would wander in his search, leaving behind his throne and his power, to gain new wisdom and knowledge.

The Fool -

As he wandered he came upon the Norms at the bottom of the World Tree and he saw their runes, but could not divine their meaning. Though he was a god and very wise, this secret escaped him. He pleaded with the Norns to teach him their secret, they said they could not. Only if he was found worthy would the runes reveal themselves to him.

The Hanged Man -

Odin to prove his worth hung himself upsdide down from the World Tree with nothing but his spear and gazed hard into the well of the norns. He struck himself with his spear and declared "I am giving Odin ,myself to myself" and hung for nine days on the edge of death.

The Magician -

On the ninth day the runes revealed them self and their secrets to the All Father and with this he gained power over them and became the most potent of beings. He released himself and returned to his throne with these symbols of power.

Take Care,

Title: Re: Learning the Tarot
Post by: Christine on July 24, 2013, 11:18:24 PM
Thanks LD.