Author Topic: Phantom Horseman: Blacktown: NSW  (Read 1438 times)


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Phantom Horseman: Blacktown: NSW
« on: September 23, 2022, 10:55:05 AM »
Greetings once again lovers of all things that go bump in the night.

Gather around the campfire of lost ghost stories and grab a favorite brew old Kanacki has a yarn for ya. Once again special thanks to headless for finding this following story. The story is more commonly known as Parsons ghost whose fate was a mystery? Was it robbery murder or accidentally death we shall never know the truth?

The following pictures posted below show of a bridge on Davis road in suburban black town. The creek there is now concreted in called breakfast creek. Many years ago it was scene of haunting. For those who cannot see the pictures I suggest signing up to this wonder forum to get unique insight into haunted Australia.

Does the phantom horse rider still haunt the bridge?

To be continued.....



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Re: Phantom Horseman: Blacktown: NSW
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2022, 10:56:44 AM »

I had come up from Gippsland, was stopping with a friend at Blacktown, enjoying a short holiday and attending to a little business at the same time which I had in the district, and which occasionally took me to Langton, a small township some 15 miles distant. I was later than usual in setting out on my return journey, but with a good horse, a clear starlight night, and good going, I looked forward to an exhilarating gallop home. In the strictest truth I may say I had had but one drink that day, and that only on persuasion of my client, who was a connoisseur of the most approved type, for I was for the callings I had followed a distinctly abstemious man, to which in no small degree I owed my superb health and splendid physical development.

For a mile or two I took it leisurely, and was just about to let the horse have his head, when I became aware — unconsciously as we do at odd moments — of somebody's presence, and saw that a horseman had come noiselessly up, and was riding closely alongside me. The night, although moonless, was clear, sufficiently so to see a good few lengths ahead, and I was aroused from my reflective mood by the thought of a canter in company with the stranger. He returned no answer to my greeting, which I repeated in a louder tone, and, again getting no response, thinking he may have been meditatively blind, looked closely, though not scrutinisingly at him.

To be continued.....



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Re: Phantom Horseman: Blacktown: NSW
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2022, 10:58:27 AM »
He seemed to me to be above the middle age, long and lean, with a generally dilapidated hair and dress, a sort felt hat was drawn over his eyes, his face was half averted, and he wore a scraggy beard, whilst his hands rested listlessly on the withers of an animal almost as emaciated as himself. Used to the rough hospitality of the bush and its scant courtesies, I concluded he was not in the humor for conversation or companionship, and made a movement to press ahead ; but although I quickened my horse's pace, my neighbor's, without apparent call from his rider, kept upon even terms. My attention, moreover, was distracted for a few moments by my own mount, which became restive, but when I glanced over my shoulder there was the same inert and dejected form of my unwelcome and taciturn fellow traveller.

A strange feeling of uneasiness came over me. We had come about a mile together, when I suddenly drew rein and bent over to touch him with my whip, thinking now he may have fallen asleep. I could feel nothing. It was no illusion. I rubbed my eyes and stared at him, so completely did the figure fascinate me, but not the slightest movement did horse or man make. My tongue refused speech, the perspiration poured down my face, and I was absolutely nerveless and paralysed with fear.

To be continued......



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Re: Phantom Horseman: Blacktown: NSW
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2022, 11:00:37 AM »
For a few moments — it seemed more like hours — I remained in this awed state, then recovering my numbed sense, struck my horse sharply and dashed headlong forward. I galloped as if the devil were in pursuit, only turning as a welcome light or two appeared to find my companion had gone. I dismounted at the hotel, as such designated, and reeled rather than walked into the parlor, where the landlord, old Whitton, who knew me, was seated with a customer. Although the exercise had steadied my nerves, I had not quite regained my self possession, and saw that both looked curiously at me, thinking, perhaps, from my appearance I had been imbibing. We drank together, and although I did not intend to stop more than a minute or two it occurred to me that either one or both might be able to afford a clue to the elucidation of the mystery, so I recounted briefly my experience with the horseman.

To be continued.....



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Re: Phantom Horseman: Blacktown: NSW
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2022, 11:02:10 AM »
I at once had them interested. They told me that from my description it must have been 'Parsons' Ghost, which had haunted the locality for years past, and had been seen at lengthy intervals by several persons who had known Parsons, a selector, that had at one time disappeared mysteriously from the district, and supposed by many to have been murdered. I had not looked for such ready corroboration, and was now anxious to get away, anxious, too, for a close acquaintance with my spectral friend to satisfy myself it was no delusion. I shook hands with both men, and rode briskly away past the few scattered houses, and out into open country. At some distance the road took a sharp turn, and descended abruptly, a thick fringe of trees on either side making it very dark and necessitating a little care.

Again that strange feeling held me, I was not alone ; my horse, usually so quiet, betrayed symptoms of intense excitement. So I set him going and cast a look round, to find the figure was again beside me. We were going at a good pace, his movements in perfect unison with my own, so perfect that the hoof-beats of one horse only were audible. Not an inch did I gain, nor was a word to be drawn from the spectre at my side, but I leant forward to get a better look at the face of the dreadfully impassive figure.

To be continued.....



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Re: Phantom Horseman: Blacktown: NSW
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2022, 11:04:20 AM »
About a mile from Blacktown a light wooden bridge spans a small creek, at the time waterless. The devil of recklessness had its grip on me. I bored him to the side to prevent his passage, ready to check any counter on his part, and riding so closely that I had to lift my leg to prevent collision with the railing, he had finished his run ; turning slowly round, he gave a horrible grating laugh, lifted his horse, which flew over the rail and disappeared with him from view. I pulled up on the other side, and peered over, but not a sound broke the stillness of the night. I was trembling with the fierce excitement of the last few moments, and my horse showed signs of the terrible pace at which we had been travelling.

Over my friend's table the story was told, and discussed far into the night. So much so did I succeed in impressing my hearers that it was decided to conduct a thorough search of the creek-bed at the bridge. The tale was supported by the fact of a skeleton being found, to which a few shreds of clothing hung, half embedded in silt, and covered with river growth, a chain of circumstances which aroused the country side to a recital of the doings of the strange horseman. It was difficult to say whether death had been the result of foul play, the skull was smashed, but from a malformation of one of the leg bones the identification of Parsons was established. The inhabitants have placed it on imperishable record, and require but little persuasion to tell a stranger of the history of ‘Parsons' Ghost.

The above account was Published by Sunday Times Sydney, NSW Sun 22 Dec 1895

To be continued.....



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Re: Phantom Horseman: Blacktown: NSW
« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2022, 12:16:12 PM »
In researching further there are 3 contenders for identity of this alleged phantom rider.

John Parsons aged 60 died 1883. William parsons aged 84 died in 1871.Edwin parsons aged 68 died in 1880. Blacktown at the time was part of the Paramatta district in recording of deaths. They are 3 most likely suspects of being the identity of ghost rider of black town. The ghost rider was sighted where bridge on Davis street goes over breakfast creek on Davis Road.



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Re: Phantom Horseman: Blacktown: NSW
« Reply #7 on: September 23, 2022, 12:32:31 PM »
Further research suggest Edwin died in a Asylum in Parramatta, And John Died at home in Paramatta. But William Parsons aged 84 was his death remains a mystery?

So William Parsons is most likely suspect in this ghost story.



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Re: Phantom Horseman: Blacktown: NSW
« Reply #8 on: October 25, 2022, 12:00:55 PM »
The question remains does William Parson ghost still haunt the road and bridge?



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Re: Phantom Horseman: Blacktown: NSW
« Reply #9 on: September 28, 2024, 08:23:06 PM »
It just goes to show even ordinary suburbs can be haunted by past events.



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